On Apr 30, 2008, at 4:01 PM, Eric Johnson wrote:
Hi All,
I have been having trouble getting Perforce and Xcode 3.0 to work together. I'm wondering if anyone else on the list has seen these problems and maybe have solutions or workarounds.
1) With SCM Repository set to "None" ( in Project's general settings), if I check a file out using the Perforce client and then attempt to modify the file, I get the "File is Read Only" dialog from Xcode. If I press the "Allow Editing" button, I can continue. Xcode does not seem to be aware that the file's permissions have changed to allow writing. (Seems like an Xcode bug). Additional notes: the file is not "locked".
Not sure what you mean by "Xcode does not seem to be aware that the file's permissions have changed to allow writing." Does Xcode not allow you to type into the file?
(Yes, we use "locked" as shorthand for any condition in the file that disallows editing.)
Or do you mean that, when you do this, you are changing the filesystem, but you are not telling your Perforce depot about changes in that file's status as far as Perforce is concerned. My understanding is that this is a bad thing, because you won't be able to commit your changes to your Perforce depot.
I'm curious why you would set your project SCM Repository setting to "None" if you want Perforce and Xcode to work together.
2) (More serious issue) Executing SCM commands from within Xcode seems to be completely broken. For example, checking out files does not work. Selecting a file in the project and then going to the SCM menu, the "Get SCM Info" choice is grayed out. The SCM Repository setting for the project is set to Perforce and the SCM preferences for Xcode show that the Perforce repository has been "authenticated".
If you've set your SCM Repository for the project to "None", then all the SCM options will be unavailable. If you've set it to a valid repository, then you should be able to do things, though i think there's more to it than that. Are your files "checked out" (I realize that's not the right terminology for Perforce) from the depot?
It might help if you describe what steps you took to set up Perforce.
-- Andrew