Sorry, figured it out.
Here's what I see when I do gcc -E. I don't see anything referencing curses.h. When I build using a makefile it compiles and works just fine. I only see this issue when building in Xcode. Any possibility Xcode may be messing up?
typedef struct _sdl_window_info sdl_window_info; struct _sdl_window_info {
sdl_window_info * next;
running_machine * machine;
int (*create)(sdl_window_info *window, int width, int height); void (*resize)(sdl_window_info *window, int width, int height); int (*draw)(sdl_window_info *window, UINT32 dc, int update); const render_primitive_list *(*get_primitives)(sdl_window_info *window); int (*xy_to_render_target)(sdl_window_info *window, int x, int y, int *xt, int *yt); void (*destroy_all_textures)(sdl_window_info *window); void (*destroy)(sdl_window_info *window); void (*clear)(sdl_window_info *window);
char title[256];
sdl_monitor_info * monitor; int fullscreen; int index;
int minwidth, minheight; int maxwidth, maxheight; int depth; int refresh; int windowed_width; int windowed_height; int startmaximized;
osd_event * rendered_event; render_target * target; const render_primitive_list *primlist;
void * dxdata;
int width; int height;
int blitwidth; int blitheight;
int totalColors; int start_viewscreen;
int scale_mode;
int prescale; int prescale_effect;
On Jul 27, 2009, at 9:15 PM, Anthony Smith wrote: The reason I say curses is because when I jump to definition in Xcode that's the only macro I see. I'm confused as to why it would be looking there.
I preprocess and get the error. Where is the file I need to view located?
On Jul 27, 2009, at 9:08 PM, Greg Parker wrote: On Jul 27, 2009, at 6:00 PM, Anthony Smith wrote: I'm currently trying to compile a C file which is throwing a "macro 'clear' passed 1 arguments, but takes just 0" when "clear" is part of a struct, not a macro. It looks like GCC is trying to use a macro defined in curses.h rather than the file's header. "curses.h" isn't referenced anywhere within my project. Here's the relevant code:
Header portion typedef struct _sdl_window_info sdl_window_info; struct _sdl_window_info {
[...] void (*clear)(sdl_window_info *window);
[...] };
C source portion static OSDWORK_CALLBACK( sdlwindow_clear_surface_wt ) { worker_param *wp = (worker_param *) param; sdl_window_info *window = wp->window;
window->clear(window); free(wp); return NULL; }
There's definitely code somewhere with `#define clear() ...`. curses.h is a good guess, but not certain. The next debugging step is to look at the preprocessed version of your code, which should show the #define, the file it comes from, and the #include sequence that pulled it in. In Xcode, use Build>Preprocess. From the command line, use `gcc -E`. Then search that file for the definition you don't like.