On Apr 23, 2013, at 12:49 PM, Jeffrey Walton < email@hidden> wrote: Within the header, right click again and select "Jump To Definition".
Ok, fair enough with the following:
The selection must be deselected and the function name only selected for Jump to Definition to be available on a right click.
So why not just go to the implementation when the function is selected is the Class View as professional IDEs implement?
We are after PRODUCTIVITY and reduced clicks and selections increase productivity. The Xcode approach is:
1. Select the Function in Class View 2. De-select the selection in the header 3. Double click to select the function name 4. right click to get the pop up 5. select Jump to definition
That is 5 clicks and one menu selection to see the implementation
Now multiply that by A LARGE NUMBER (the number of times you want to see function implementation in a day) and you see a significant productivity decrease.
So, please Apple, child please, change this.
-koko |