As I was wondering whether "they" had dared to change something since last time I checked Folder Actions, I quickly devised a small test along the lines of your first email (the one that opened this thread).
So, let's have a one-liner script:
display dialog "I've just been added to folder AddHere!"
saved as "ScriptToBeAdded.scpt" on the Desktop.
Let's also have a slightly more complicated script:
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
run script (item 1 of added_items)
end adding folder items to
saved as "InvokedOnAdding.scpt" in folder ~/Library/Scripts/Folder Action Script.
Now, let's create folder "AddHere" on the Desktop, attach script "InvokedOnAdding.scpt" to it and finally move "ScriptToBeAdded.scpt" over it.
The expected dialog box appears:
I've just been added to folder AddHere!
so that Folder Actions still seem to be with us...
Of course, with above very bare scripts, no need to have a tell block targeting the Finder or System Events.
How do your scripts differ from the above ones, so that they seemingly need such a tell block?