ProfileMaker Pro 4.0, the HCT Target and the Colorgetter.
ProfileMaker Pro 4.0, the HCT Target and the Colorgetter.
- Subject: ProfileMaker Pro 4.0, the HCT Target and the Colorgetter.
- From: Nick Wheeler <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2002 15:40:49 -0500
on 2/4/02 1:08 PM, John Romano at email@hidden wrote:
how is the new profilemaker scanner module, i was told that there is a new
chroma function that would allow you say open neutrals without desaturating
your dark this a reality or just a dream?i am using a 3000 series
drum scanner with the HCT as a profilemaking target.i have just ordered my
upgrades to PM4.0,looking forward to having more control of black generation
for my cmyk profiles.thanks for your last posts on how your upgrade went.
You must be related to Al who I know via Steve Jewett and the CGI daze :=)
The chroma function is part of the print profiling piece and it works well.
Andrew Rodney is way more up to speed on the whys and wherefores. Maybe he
can give you a better answer. The "opening neutrals" thing I believe is
referring to new grayscale editing functions built into the Profile Editor
piece. The Editor is much improved. I still tend towards editing the data
used to create the profile rather than the profile itself.
I do think that the paper gray and preserve gray axis options work better on
scanner profiles made with v4.0. Also make sure to make your scanner
profiles using the "Large" option if you are using the HCT target, this
results in better shadow separation. For the first time ever, I am seeing
really well defined separation in 3/4 tone and darker areas made with an
Epson printer. It is really quite an improvement.
Mark Doyle is seeing this with his scans as well. Which reinforces my
earlier point about what a scanner applications proper function really is -
which is not to convert to working space profile a la Linocolor or Color
Quartet, just give me three channels and exposure control. I think this is
the essential beauty of John Panozzo's software, which works with density
values - I think. I hope to hear from him on this, John are you out there?
We can now take these new profiles and apply them to scans we made years ago
and see dramatic improvements, assuming consistent scanner settings which
has always been the case with Mark's workflow (not mine unfortunately). Not
possible with scans that have already been converted to some other color
Frankly, I never used a scanner profile as part of my workflow before as the
results were always so dismal. I tended more towards a Dan Margulis approach
for lack of a better way of saying it, this was a little problematic in RGB
to say the least, especially in the days BC (before colorsync).
Anyway with the HCT target and v4.0 as well as a lot of hand holding by Joe
Holmes and Don Hutcheson I am seeing some incredible results here. For the
lunatic fringe trying to wring that last ounce of quality out of a
Colorgetter and its ilk, the the HCT target is definately worth a look.
The low price that Gretag has attached to the v3.xx to v4.0 upgrade is,
number one very commendable on their part and number two, definately worth
Nick Wheeler