Mediastreet Colorsync
Mediastreet Colorsync
- Subject: Mediastreet Colorsync
- From: Matthew Wilson <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 18:13:09 -0500 (EST)
>>Message: 11
>Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 00:47:46 -0800
>From: Steve Upton <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: MediaStreet's cont. inking systems
>To: Matthew Wilson <email@hidden>, email@hidden
>Message-ID: <p0620070ebe59adb092b2@[]>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>and you should save all profiles you want to be viewable / usable
system-wide here:
I did as Steve Upton said I should.
My custom profile did not show up
for Users. It did on Admin. level.
When I looked at the ColorSync Utiilty it was mentioned
that it allows you to retitle the profile. It said that the length
of some titles may preclude the title from being listed.
I thought that that may be the problem with my profile.
Does anyone know anything more the reasons for "Modifying the internal
>>I had a brief look at the ColorSync utility the other day. Can I do
>>any editing of profiles with it?
>nope... well that's not quite true. you can change a few things and
modify the internal name but no curve-bumping, selective color editing,
cast-removing stuff.
>o Steve Upton CHROMiX
>o (hueman) 866.CHROMiX
>o email@hidden 206.985.6837
>o ColorThink ColorValet and now
>Message: 12
>Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 11:11:30 -0500
>From: email@hidden
>Subject: Re Any High End CRT's left?
>To: email@hidden
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>I just put the text into sherlock and came up with this:
>More colorobligatorily 22"CRT monitor with hardware supported software
>Applications such as Design, printing preliminary stage,
>Publishing, video Editing and digital photography require all for an
>unusually exact color reproduction. The Perfect Color offers an
>excellent middle color deviation - in the reference field in the
>display center - of only DeltaE=2-3 (LAB), which can be assumed by the
>human eye hardly more. IColor the Proof software calibration on
>highest level ensures a high color commitment, Softproofs of
>exzellenter quality and the perfect integration into a color management
>130kHz Diamondtron NF picture tube > software calibration of RGB
>brightness contrast, brightness/contrast > iColor Proof software with
>many exclusive features > 80 to 90 cd/qm Luminanz with D50 > two
>signal inputs > sun filter including > highly precise 4 - channel CRT
>Colorimeter optionally available.
>Ulf Skogsbergh
>On Saturday, March 12, 2005, at 03:11 PM, Olaf Dr?mmer wrote:
>> Looks like Quato has so far only put up German language info:
>> <>
>> Olaf
>Message: 13
>Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 09:54:00 -0800 (PST)
>From: Neil Okamoto <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Any High End CRT's left?
>To: email@hidden
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Roger Breton wrote:
>> Mitsubishi is still in the CRT business
>> (as LaCIE is), so I hear, and has what
>> seems like a nice line of LCD offerings
>> too.
>Except NEC/Mitsubishi is phasing out of the CRT
>business too. See this, for example:
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around
>Message: 14
>Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 13:22:22 -0500
>From: Roger Breton <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Haxachrome gamut shape
>To: Graeme Gill <email@hidden>, ColorSync
> <email@hidden>
>Message-ID: <BE59EF0E.D237%email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Graeme Gill wrote:
>> It depends a bit on which gamut you are talking about, the actual
>> raw device gamut, or the gamut that is reachable using the B2A table
>> of a profile.
>Please excuse my ignorance but I did not suspecct that there could be a
>difference between the two? Can the same be said for CMYK "raw" vs
>"reachable" device gamut?
>>?They are probably not the same thing. The raw gamut
>> of something like a Roland CMYKOGcm printer is like nothing else
>> you've ever seen.
>Well, I'd really like to see one.
>>?I would suspect that the gamut you can reach
>> using a profile made for such a device is rather smaller, and
>> differently shaped.
>Why the difference is beyond me? Are Hexachrome gamuts fundamentally
>different from CMYK or CcMmYk gamuts? Isn't it "just" a matter of
>the A2B table?
>> Graeme Gill.
>Roger Breton | Laval, Canada | email@hidden
>Message: 15
>Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 13:24:55 -0500
>From: Roger Breton <email@hidden>
>Subject: Re: Any High End CRT's left?
>To: Neil Okamoto <email@hidden>, ColorSync
> <email@hidden>
>Message-ID: <BE59EFA7.D23D%email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
>> Except NEC/Mitsubishi is phasing out of the CRT
>> business too. See this, for example:
>So the days of the CRT are counted?
>Roger Breton | Laval, Canada | email@hidden
>Message: 16
>Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 11:28:39 -0800
>From: "Michael Fox News Accout" <email@hidden>
>Subject: RE: matching paper white
>To: "'colorsync'" <email@hidden>
>Message-ID: <email@hidden>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Ken has interpreted my intentions correctly. Buying different
materials is
>not really an option for a couple of reasons:
>1) As I mentioned, one of the papers is Fuji Crystal Archive and, even
>Fuji has a lighter paper, I don't own the LightJet.
>2) I have several papers I'm using. Some prints are done on the
>for clients who value "real" photographic paper. Some are done on Epson
>paper for people to value more longevity. These papers have different
>points (including different L* values). So I want to match the
>paper colors (within reason) to the same mat color. Yes, I suppose I
>pick a different mat color, but I'd rather NOT change mat colors for the
>same image on different papers. (Call it artistic choice) :-)
>Taking everyone's comments into account, it seems that the only
>approach to accomplishing what I want is to use calculations to get to
>right ballpark and then print a grid of color swatches around that
>so as to take into account the fact that paper texture and lightness
>affect the perceived color.
>Thanks for everyone's input.
>>> He will only be able to create a different shade of the target
>>> color. It is a completely different color although a
>>> complimentary one.
>>Exactly the point. As I understand it, that's all he's trying to do is
>>create a "complimentary color" (not quite the right term, but I know
>>what you mean) which will be less objectionable than leaving it paper
>>white. I see nothing wrong with doing this. I've done it myself on
>>occasion. Of course buying different materials might be a better
>>solution, but maybe that's not possible for some reason and it's not
>>the question he asked.
>Colorsync-users mailing list
>End of Colorsync-users Digest, Vol 2, Issue 102
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