- Subject: Spyder3Studio
- From: C D Tobie <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 11 Mar 2009 14:50:16 -0400
I own the complete Colorvision Tools ³Spyder3Studio² but I am not
able to
finish to get a workable workflow. I use a MacBook Pro and an Apple
CinemaDisplay 23². Ferther I work with 4 printers, 2 inkjets (Canon
iP9950) and 2 color lasers (Minolta M5550 and Xerox 6250)
You had started a support ticket earlier, but had ceased responding to
it, so our support team assumed you had solved your issues...
First I did the calibration off the LCD. This seems to work fine and
in my
opinium this finished OK and I have an useble screen.
Thats one down, then...
My question here is which gamma ist the best. Apple tells you to use
1.8 but
in the NET people advise to use 2.2. New OS X Snow Leopard will have
2.2 ³Apple has finally come to their senses and will be joining the
rest of
the technology world by setting gamma 2.2 as the default in Mac OS X
Snow Leopard. Their official reason for the change is to ³better
meet the
needs of digital content producers and consumers,² according to
early 10.6
seed notes.²
Ignore all of this. If you calibrate to both Gamma 2.2, and 1.8, and
compare side by side, it looks the same in a color managed
application. So go with the one that costs you fewer lost levels:
typically 2.2
My really problem is the use of both screen together. For each a
profile was
generate but when are both used (Apple CinemaDisplay connected to the
DVI-Port, they are complete different. How can I match both that
they look
the same and are not darker or more yellow). I hadn¹t find any info
on the
colorvison site how i match 2 screens to the same computer.
Well, there is the StudioMatch function in the software, specifically
for matching displays. But first consider whether you really want to
hobble a Cinema Display to the capabilities of a laptop screen. It
might be better just to calibrate each to whats optimal for itself,
and accept that they won't be identical side by side.
The second problem ist the printcalibration. For this I used the
Spyder3Print 3.5b9
First I sorted out how to switch off the colorsync on all printers
(by the
driver) to get a clean target (2 sheets with each 256 fields (color
& gray).
Sounds like you've managed the biggest hurdle...
After the measure off all the targets and the generations of the
profile I
come to the sample picture. What to do now. When I want to print
this do I
need to print it with the settings-²colorsync off².
Yes, the profile will be applied by our software, you just have to be
sure that the driver doesn't apply any color changes of its own, by
printing the same way as when you printed the targets...
I tried both but the
result is not as it should be. On the screen it looks much better
and more
neutral. With colorsync-off it looks the best, with colorsync on it
is more
dark and the colors differs (this is, (i suggest) because their is
profile mapped to this settings
Off, as you say, is better, because off is right...
My last questions is maybe a cosmetical one. In the Pulldown Menu
off the
Papier are the default Papers of the driver listed. I suggest I need
to map
(link these) new profile to a existing paper with the Colorsync
Utility App.
No, you use the profiles at the application level, not at the OS
level, so "mapping" them with ColorSync is not part of the process...
I would prefer a solution where a new kind of paper would be add to
driver (e.g. Ilford Smooth Glossy (Geha)). I mostly use 2 or 3
Glossy Papers (depanding on clients needs) and don¹t want to change
everytime this in the Colorsync Utility App.
Drivers do not allow third party profiles to be added, thats why they
are applied from the application, before getting to the driver...
The Spyder3Studio is a nice tool but the software isn¹t finished for
especially the documentation to get a working workflow is more or less
It would not be possible to predict everyone's issues, but hopefully
I've answered your questions here. Support would have done so as well,
if you had sent this to them, instead of to this list...
Who can give me some advice to get my colors looks like it should be?
I believe all your questions are answered above.
C. David Tobie
Global Product Technology Manager
Digital Imaging & Home Theater

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