The new CPU Cores are so unbelievably freakin' awesome, that they're way above our human levels of reducing their speed. They reduce and increase their speed, like, 4 million times a second. All to serve us, their mortal masters, better.
All praise our new leader, low level cpu power management!!!!!
Technically, the speed changes I'm referring to are handled in machine language in about as deep as the kernel as you can get, not in the CPU itself. It hurts my head to think about it - we have mole people who do most of that coding. It is illegal to hire mole people in california, so this is just between you guys and me, ok?
Basically, this behavior is wedged into the kernel so tight down at the bottom, that there's no way to modify it. Its behavior is defined by rather complicated description tables outlining under which loads the CPUs should speed up or speed down. And saying that the tables are "rather complicated" is an understatement. This is where the mole people come in.
I don't know how, nor do I have any knowledge or advice on building your own low speed CPU table. get your own mole people!!!!
-ethan On Jun 14, 2006, at 11:43 AM, Brian Bergstrand wrote: That sucks. I thought the Core's were supposed to have all kinds of fancy power features? And reducing clock speed is not one of them?