Hi there
After many years of delays finally I am at the end of a long conversion process of an old code base (Carbon) to Cocoa. This was necessary to convert my project to 64-bit. However, I want to support QuickTime legacy code, as many of my users and myself have media that cannot (as yet) be converted easily to be used by AVFoundation and Core Media directly. Thus, I did what Apple did. I isolated all the QuickTime dependent code in a 32-bit-only background process, so that a all the other code could be built for both 32-bit and 64-bit run destinations.
My questions:
1) How do I build my 64-bit run destination for all the helpers and the main app (each one a different target) except for this 32-bit-only background process, which the main app and one helper app (either 32-bit or 64-bit) depend upon?
1.1) AFAICT, there is no way to omit a target in the 64-bit run destination, or is there? 1.2) Are there other options than to build separately this 32-bit only background process?
2) How do I build a release product containing both architectures? Does that Xcode 4.6.3 do that automatically or do I to resort to lipo as in the old days? But if you do that, how do you code sign the product?
If someone could enlighten me I would be very grateful.