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Compress PCM using AAC on iPhone 3G
, Fernando Valente
Re: Compress PCM using AAC on iPhone 3G
, tahome izwah
Re: Compress PCM using AAC on iPhone 3G
, Fernando Valente
Re: Compress PCM using AAC on iPhone 3G
, Kyle Sluder
Royalty free compressed format
, Fernando Valente
Re: Royalty free compressed format
, tahome izwah
Using Audio Unit to affect audio level application-wide ?
, Francois Reboursier
[a little OT] File format for a bunch of floats
, Jerry
Re: [a little OT] File format for a bunch of floats
, Jerry
Re: [a little OT] File format for a bunch of floats
, Bob Lang
Re: [a little OT] File format for a bunch of floats
, Iain McCowan
Re: [a little OT] File format for a bunch of floats
, William Stewart
Applying AVAudioMix to an AVPlayerItem
, McD
Re: [a little OT] File format for a bunch of floats
, Paul Davis
Re: [a little OT] File format for a bunch of floats
, Jerry
CocoaAUHost-like example for Carbon UIs
, Geert Bevin
Re: CocoaAUHost-like example for Carbon UIs
, Paul Davis
Percussive attack on iPhone 4
, Stefan Alder
Re: Percussive attack on iPhone 4
, Billy Youdelman
Help with HALLab telemetry
, Stephen F. Booth
Re: Help with HALLab telemetry
, Jeff Moore
Multi-channel AU or driver?
, Ernest Burghardt
Simple midi packet send.
, Alex ROUGE
Best way to simultaneously decode two compressed mp3 files into LPCM using hardware codec?
, cc laan
Re: Best way to simultaneously decode two compressed mp3 files into LPCM using hardware codec?
, William Stewart
Documentation for public utility classes?
, Guy Shaviv
Re: Documentation for public utility classes?
, William Stewart
Re: Documentation for public utility classes?
, Guy Shaviv
Re: Documentation for public utility classes?
, William Stewart
Audio device with extra interface
, Robert Bielik
MacBook pro : bug in the internal audio driver ?
, Stéphane Letz
Re: MacBook pro : bug in the internal audio driver ?
, Doug Wyatt
Re: MacBook pro : bug in the internal audio driver ?
, Stéphane Letz
Re: MacBook pro : bug in the internal audio driver ?
, Thomas Strathmann
Re: MacBook pro : bug in the internal audio driver ?
, Jan Marguc
Re: MacBook pro : bug in the internal audio driver ?
, Jeff Moore
Using AudioQueue to play short sounds repeatedly?
, Steve gfx
Re: Using AudioQueue to play short sounds repeatedly?
, tahome izwah
Re: Using AudioQueue to play short sounds repeatedly?
, Steve gfx
Apple Compressor 3.5 PlugIn Format?
, tahome izwah
3D Mixer on iPhone
, Paul Slocum
Re: 3D Mixer on iPhone
, Aran Mulholland
Re: 3D Mixer on iPhone
, Bob Lang
Re: 3D Mixer on iPhone
, Paul Slocum
Extracting Amplitude Data from Linear PCM on the iPhone
, David Weiss
Re: Extracting Amplitude Data from Linear PCM on the iPhone
, tahome izwah
Re: Extracting Amplitude Data from Linear PCM on the iPhone
, Roman Thilenius
Re: Extracting Amplitude Data from Linear PCM on the iPhone
, tahome izwah
Re: iPhone UIStatusBar turns red after backgrounding an AVAudioRecorder app that is not recording
, Inca Rose
AudioFileClose() crashing on iOS after playback
, Chris Santoro