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Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
, Brian Willoughby
Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
, Kevin Dixon
Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
, B.J. Buchalter
Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
, Dave Oshinsky
Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
, Brian Willoughby
Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
, tahome izwah
Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
, Dave Oshinsky
Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
, Brian Willoughby
Re: Using Apple virtual instruments from my software
, Dave Oshinsky
setting number of input/output channels in an audio unit
, Taylor Holliday
AudioOutputUnitStart() returns -50 for iOS RemoteIO unit, but only for Ad Hoc Distribution
, Doug McCoy
Detecting a beep in a movie file audio track
, Neal, Doug
Re: Detecting a beep in a movie file audio track
, Pi
Re: Detecting a beep in a movie file audio track
, Robert Bielik
Re: Detecting a beep in a movie file audio track
, tahome izwah
Re: Detecting a beep in a movie file audio track
, Tom Lieber
kAudioUnitErr_FormatNotSupported when setting format on stereo mixer on Mac OS X
, Antonio Nunes
How to set MIDI Device Icon
, Kevin Molcard
combining QTMovie and CoreAudio
, Mike Silva
Multiple ScheduledAudioFileRegions for AUAudioFilePlayer, order matters?
, grae
armv6 versus armv7 buffer data type?
, David Plans
mouse handling issue in GarageBand/Logic
, Artemiy Pavlov
Re: mouse handling issue in GarageBand/Logic
, tahome izwah
Re: mouse handling issue in GarageBand/Logic
, Artemiy Pavlov
Re: mouse handling issue in GarageBand/Logic
, tahome izwah
Re: mouse handling issue in GarageBand/Logic
, Artemiy Pavlov
Re: mouse handling issue in GarageBand/Logic
, tahome izwah
What is MPConcreteMediaPlaylist..?
, sachindra
Re: What is MPConcreteMediaPlaylist..?
, Hamish Allan
Message not available
Re: What is MPConcreteMediaPlaylist..?
, Hamish Allan
<Possible follow-ups>
What is MPConcreteMediaPlaylist..?
, sachindra
rarely p--)
, Ignacio Enriquez
Demo code for RemoteIO + AVAssetReader
, Nikolai Collinsky
Generating pretty sounding Shepard Tones
, Pi
Re: Generating pretty sounding Shepard Tones
, tahome izwah
Re: Generating pretty sounding Shepard Tones
, Martin Hairer
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Generating pretty sounding Shepard Tones
, Ian Kemmish
Example code for sending out MIDI CCs from AudioUnit plugins
, Thomas Strathmann
Re: Example code for sending out MIDI CCs from AudioUnit plugins
, Paul Davis
buffer size magical reduction
, David Plans
Re: buffer size magical reduction
, Paul Davis
Re: buffer size magical reduction
, David Plans
RE: buffer size magical reduction
, Stéphane Beauchemin
gcd/asynchronous task and Core Audio
, steph ohara
audio priority and multitasking on iOS
, Niels Bogaards
Re: audio priority and multitasking on iOS
, David Duncan
Re: audio priority and multitasking on iOS
, Zachary Kulis
Re: audio priority and multitasking on iOS
, Ian Esten
RE: audio priority and multitasking on iOS
, michael.brown
Running auval makes AUGraphOpen() return -50?
, patrick machielse
Combining notes to get chords
, Pi
Re: Combining notes to get chords
, Brian Willoughby
Re: Combining notes to get chords
, Jeremy Smith
Re: Combining notes to get chords
, Admiral Quality
Code needed for reading, processing, writing sound files
, Pi
Re: Code needed for reading, processing, writing sound files
, tahome izwah